2020 NCCU IMBA Alumni Association Elections

Representatives Nomination NCCU IMBA Alumni Association (IMBAA) Elections are back this year(2020). The schedule is as below, IMBA office will assist us to conduct the election via on-line Voting which is considering the geographic challenge.  <2020 IMBAA Elections - Letter from President> <The Voting Rules>  (1) All Alumni of the batch/entering years 2001 to 2017 are eligible to vote, disregarding of whether they have finished all the courses or their thesis.  (2) To ensure that each Alumni voted only one time, only votes which provide their student ID number can be counted as eligible voters.   (3) Your vote will only be able to identify via student ID (not by name) and will be only seen by IMBA office and not by other Alumni.   (4) Alumni can only vote for their own batch candidates. Example: If you are the year 2016 Alumni and therefore your student ID starts with 105 you can vote for 2016 batch candidates.  (5) Alumni can only vote for up...
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Mr. Kim Mạnh Tuấn, 2013-entered Alumni

Mr. Kim Mạnh Tuấn, 2013-entered Alumni, is promoted as the Deputy Chief of the Office of National Academy of Education Management - Vietnam MOET last week; he is also the Head of the Office of NAEM's Enhancing Teacher Education Program. Mr. Kim has been constantly studying, cultivating and developing professionally to complete the mission of the Department. "Being promoted to the very first leadership position is just small step but very important one in my career!” he said modestly. He also mentioned ”Studying IMBA at National Chengchi University was a life-changing experience to me; All knowledge and skills that I accumulated from IMBA program at NCCU are now paying off” Last but not least, he has one message to all Vietnamese students at NCCU: “You can learn so much from every single person that you meet at NCCU in general and IMBA program in particular, it’s really up to you to learn more or less! Please, keep faith in what you are doing because...
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Mr. Takehiro Kamiyama , 2009-entered Alumni

Mr. Takehiro Kamiyama , 2009-entered Alumni, he studied in IMBA program while working at Formosa Asahi Spandex in Taiwan since IMBA lectures are arranged at weekday nights and on weekends. He was so impressed with the faculty inspiration. Every faculty was so kind and had good experience. They taught him fundamentals, and how to modify it in his position. Also he learned Marketing, branding, financial fundamentals, and human resource development and how raise motivation; especially, about sustainable issue, ecology, ethical and so on. Then he was interested in them and try to solute such problem in his position. Further, he implemented the theoretical to practical both in Taiwan and in Japan. He made sales strategy and implemented by analyzing market situation of 5 forces, and setting up target of profit rate, and then making customers portfolio. Also, trying to get more profit , high reputation in the market and making future strategy of branding and promotion. Kamiyama san has been working hard and very organized all the...
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Mr. Markus Wild, 2008-entered Alumni

Mr. Markus Wild, 2008-entered Alumni, recently he came back to Taiwan for a new chapter of his career paths, building up a subsidiary EnBW Asia Pacific Ltd. in Taiwan for investing in Wind offshore business. He has almost 20 years in the High tech, machinery, energy and infrastructure business and mainly worked in the field of corporate communications, public affairs and corporate development. 10 years ago, he would like to prepare taking the next step from communicating the company strategy to formulating, supporting and executing companies’ strategy. He chose taking IMBA program for his first step and learned East and West are sharing the same foundation of humanity and values. He was amazed by the diversity of the students, coming from all continents. The quality of teaching was high throughout the program, however, he named the course ‚Cross border strategic alliances‘ as the highlight. Many years later, he still remembers the fantastic studying experience in NCCU. In the end of interview, he would like to...
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Ms. Sally Leu, 2006-entered Alumni

Ms. Sally Leu, 2006-entered Alumni, has an executive working experience in Human Resources management, as HR Business Partner the last several years. She sent her advice to the new students “be relaxed: score is not everything; be open, you will make life-time friends and share your experiences with people.” As years ago, she chose IMBA at the NCCUC, 1st tier business school in Taiwan, met students from different countries, and realized “Learning is a life-time journey”. Finally, a book she would highly recommend and share with is “Career Helium” by David Thompson; this book has great ideas for anyone with career aspirations. … Words from Sally … Almost my career is within Human Resources and as HR Business Partner the last 6 years. “HRBP” might be a new concept in Taiwan. This role is responsible for aligning business objectives with employees and management in designated business units. The position serves as a consultant to management on human resource-related issues. The successful HRBP acts as an employee...
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Ms. Lisa Wei, 2004-entered Alumni

Ms. Lisa Wei, IMBA 2004-entered Alumni, is now living in Hawaii and working in tourism industry. She has extensive working experiences in Computer, IT, Network communication, Mobile device and Semiconductor industries before moving to Hawaii. Due to the family reason, she flied to Hawaii with one way ticket in 2013 and was immediately facing and dealing with many difficulties right after lending to the airport. She conquered not only the change of career path from High Tech to the Tourism Industry but also the multi-cultural environment, co-workers and customers; these are all started from ZERO. --- Thanks Lisa for sharing her story of turning point in her life --- 人生的轉折總在--- 抉擇之間(面對與擁抱改變) 2013年底, 考量父母年事已高, 未來需要更多的陪伴. 因此, 放下在台灣的一切, 一張單程機票, 帶著好友滿滿的祝福,踏上未知的旅程. 夏威夷, 一個觀光勝地, 沒有熟悉的資訊業, 面對過去職場經驗無法延續, 沒有美國學歷. 在是否再次進入學校取得學歷與就業間抉擇. 選擇了面對現實, 跨入旅遊業, 由零開始. 跨領域並不是第一次, 以往在資訊相關產業從電腦周邊跨到網通再到教育與手機甚至半導體產業, 由行政轉入業務行銷到售後服務再到專案與公司管理, 然而都在資訊與通訊類相關產業中移動. 這次的跨幅與環境是更大考驗. 開始由華人旅行社做起, 到後來轉入日本JTB 旗下的高爾夫球公司, 面對「人」 這個千變萬化的需求者及供應者, 看似容易其實很難.辦公室也是挑戰, 同事來自不同地區, 日本, 韓國, 夏威夷日裔, 香港, 中國. 如何用英文, 半吊子日文, 麻麻地的廣東話與國語和同事溝通, 文化差異形成的思維不同如何串聯, 是挑戰也是樂趣, 更交到了許多好友. 曾經有同事問我, 會不會覺得放下過去的資歷與經驗很可惜. 對於從管理階層到基層有沒有心理上的困擾. 我的心得是, 只要清楚自己要的(陪伴父母), 好好擁抱有的(好同事與好朋友), 在工作中尋找樂趣 (不斷學習與挑戰未知). 不論是哪個領域, 都可以創造自己的價值與實力. 最近, 集團內轉調, 轉入JTB Hawaii, 因為想補足自己在酒店方面的知識與更進一步了解大型旅行社的運作. 再次放空, 再次成長, 交更多朋友…. 不論是資訊業, 通訊業, 教育性產業還是旅遊業, 人都是決定的因素....
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Mr. George Kao, 2010-entered Alumni

Mr. George Kao, IMBA 2010-entered Alumni, is now working in Siemens, Shanghai. George has more than 15 years solid working experiences in the fields of sales, marketing, strategy, business development, partner management and business partnership. He recently led the Global Challenger Development Workshop in Beijing, one of the partner development programs in Siemens, to strengthen partner sales capability and productivity globally and meet partners' Digital Transformation demanding. He shows not only great enthusiasm for his work and also the IMBA alumni connection. He attended the IMBA Alumni Homecoming in May this year from Shanghai and shared his working experiences with IMBAders. … a message to IMBA students … 📌 This is my honor to share my current working activity to all of you, the Challenger is new sales skill to the current complex business environment. Same to you, we all are facing 10 times speed changing world, all new technologies, business models, etc. But this is the best time to IMBA students who want to "Think Big,...
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Javi Kuo Watercolor Exhibition

Congratulations!! 🎉 Javi Kuo is holding JaviKuo Watercolor Exhibition in Taipei!! Javi Kao, an artist, IMBA 2005-entered Alumni from Malaysia and now living in Taipei, is particularly good at depicting the living in Taiwan . He has many experiences of holding Art Exhibition in Taiwan, and this year let's go together to heart feel the temp of Taiwan under his painting. 🎉🎉 恭喜~ 恭喜~~ !! JAVI 郭進傑, 政大 IMBA 2005入學的校友, 要開個人水彩畫展囉!! Javi 來自馬來半島南方的石頭鎮,自小習畫有著獨特的藝術天分和深厚的繪畫底子,屢屢得獎。繪畫之路在來台升學就業後一度中斷,歷經了生命中的起伏,內心的繪畫精靈還是帶領Javi在藝術創作中找回了最初的自在!! Javi在台灣多次舉辦畫展, 2016年 「遇時光」Javi水彩畫展, 台北&高雄 2016年 ART easy 台灣輕鬆藝術博覽會參展, 台北 2017年 「第八屆世界水彩華陽獎」暨「第一屆台灣學生水彩華陽獎」作品聯展, 台北 2017年 ART easy 台灣輕鬆藝術博覽會參展 , 台北 2017年 【高雄設計節】 水彩台灣 - 郭進傑個展, 高雄 這一次 在 台北 3 Cafe Studio, 讓我們共襄盛舉一起感受Javi畫筆下台灣的能量與溫度!! 【感覺台灣】郭進傑水彩小型展 SIMPLE ELEGANT Discover the Uniqueness of Taiwan JaviKuo Watercolor Exhibition Duration : 2018.8.1 - 2018.8.30 Venue:3 Cafe Studio (台北市建國北路二段18號) http://picbear.online/javikuo https://www.facebook.com/javi.kuo http://javikuo.wix.com/javiartgallery ...
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