國立政治大學 IMBA 校友會
Remain your global network

Login Area

Username can either be your E-mail or your student ID number. Please email to if you need help with the student ID.

Password is your student ID number plus your birthdate (YYYYMMDD). For example, if your student ID is 105933001 and your birthdate is April 28th 2015, the password will be 10593300120150428.

Remember Me

Welcome to IMBA Alumni Association

16 Years, 1 World

This is a place for alumni to create, develop, and maintain opportunities through a life-long partnership where you can explore business opportunities, professional growth, community enhancement, and mutual support between past, present, and future IMBA students.

Through this website, you can find other students from your class year, sort out who lives in the city you are heading to now, and discover which alumni is currently working in the industry you are interested in. This is a great place to start when you set up a company or recruiting talent. This is also a helpful place for those who plan to change their career.

Every IMBA student can connect with their IMBA friends from all over the world after logging into their personal profile. Only IMBA Alumni and students are able to access, with the website providing a higher level of trust and better mutual understanding. Your Student ID is your key to open up the treasure! Welcome to log in to your personal profile and explore more possibilities!

16 Years, 1 World